Television Distribution
Television Distribution can be beneficial in many situations
Guyette Communication Industries uses Blonder Tongue the leading manufacturer of head end and distribution products to provide crystal clear delivery of TV, cable or satellite programming in education facilities, hospitals, hotels, apartment complexes and a wide variety of similar applications.
Television distribution (MATV) products are used to permit signals to travel to their ultimate destination, like a classroom, hotel room, office and so forth to provide exceptional viewing quality from any location. Head end products are used for signal acquisition, processing and manipulation for further transmission; for example, individual channels may be blocked that are not suitable for a school setting.
Why is this product needed? 
The government mandated transition from analog television to digital television (DTV), in June of 2009, ended the days of just putting a set of rabbit ears on your television and getting a picture. With this transition to DTV, cable television providers are also starting to move to all digital signals in their systems, and many old distribution structures will no longer provide signal to existing analog televisions without some modifications.
Our Engineers and Technicians are all Manufacturer Trained
Whether your facility is using cable, satellite services, the internet or in-house content, and need to distribute over Coax or UTP Cables, Guyette Communication Industries can provide a solution for your business or facility!
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